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发表时间:2018/03/17 00:00:00  浏览次数:2712  
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Confirmation on Opening of Account of Share B

Account No. of shares:


Date of open:    

April 4, 2001

Name of the account owner: **

ID card No.: 000000000000000

Communication address: 17 Zhichun Road, Beijing

Name of the member opening account: Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd

Code of the member opening account: ***

Seal of the member opening account:


Extra explanation:

1. This confirmation is a share account card that should be showed by the members who has opened account to the investor and shall be used in the transaction of share B in Shanghai.

2. This confirmation showed by members who has opened account must be affixed with seal.

3. The name of members who opens account must be in full name.

4. Code of member who has opened account is its account settlement code.

5. The investor shall contact with his designated member promptly if loses of this confirmation.

6. Contact with its designated member promptly if the name, ID cards and communications of investor changes.  

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