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发表时间:2017/12/04 00:00:00  浏览次数:2518  
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 Certificate of Bachelors Degree

(Graduates of Regular Higher Education institutions)

***, Male, born in August 1988, having completed all the courses in fulfillment of the requirements of the four-year undergraduate program in the major of *** Engineering from September 19** to June 19** at the department of ** Engineering in ** University, is hereby granted Bachelors Degree in Engineering in according to the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the Peoples Republic of China.



S* Univeristy (sealed)

Chairman of Academic Degree Evaluation Committee



  30th /June/****


Certificate No. 100000000  

Regular Institutions of Higher Education

Graduation Certificate

Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China


No.: 00*****

Student ****, Gender: male, born on *** August 19**, having specialized in *** Engineering at this university from September **** to June ****, having completed the four-year undergraduate courses prescribed by the teaching syllabus with qualified academic standing has hereby duly graduated.

President: ***(sealed)

University: S University (sealed)

Date: 30th /June/19***


No of School. 10***

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