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每日一词∣潮光互补智能光伏电站 solar-tidal intelligent photovoltaic power plant

发表时间:2022/06/03 00:00:00  浏览次数:665  
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China's first intelligent power plant utilizing solar and tidal power to generate electricity was connected to the power grid on Monday. The full operation of the power plant in East China's Zhejiang province marks the country's new achievements in the utilization of marine energy resources and the development and construction of its new-energy network. Located in the city of Wenling, the power plant has an installed capacity of 100 megawatts.

5月30日,全国首座潮光互补型智能光伏电站——国家能源集团龙源浙江温岭潮光互补型智能光伏电站正式投运。 (资料图片 图片来源:人民网)






Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality are the intrinsic requirements of China's own high-quality development and a solemn pledge to the international community. China will honor its word and keep working toward its goal. We have unveiled an Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030, to be followed by implementation plans for specific sectors such as energy, industry and construction. China now has the world's biggest carbon market and biggest clean power generation system: the installed capacity of renewable energy has exceeded one billion kilowatts, and the construction of wind and photovoltaic power stations with a total installed capacity of 100 million kilowatts is well under way.




tidal power


unmanned aerial vehicle inspection technology


marine energy resources

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