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每日一词∣中国好人 Good Samaritans of China

发表时间:2022/08/18 00:00:00  浏览次数:799  
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President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, on August 13 replied to a letter from Li Peisheng and Hu Xiaochun, two "Good Samaritans of China" working at the Huangshan Mountain Scenic Area in east China's Anhui Province, expressing the hope that they shall continue to play their role as role models.







What is notable about "Good Samaritans of China" is that ordinary workers at grassroots have made extraordinary achievements in ordinary work. I hope that you will continue to set an example as role models to project positive energy, inspire people around you to do their bit for the good of society and promote the core socialist values. You should inspire those around you to be good citizens, good workers and good family members, and contribute to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.





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