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每日一词∣长江保护修复 protection and restoration of the Yangtze River

发表时间:2022/09/27 00:00:00  浏览次数:495  
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China has issued an action plan to further advance the ecological and environmental protection and restoration of the Yangtze River basin. By the end of 2025, the overall water quality of the basin should remain sound, and the water quality of the main stream should stay at Grade II in the country's five-tier water quality system, according to the action plan jointly issued by 17 government authorities. The action plan has also set the goal of continuously improving the safety of drinking water, effectively guaranteeing the ecological water use of important rivers and lakes, and significantly raising the quality of water ecology of the basin by the end of 2025.









The establishment of a mechanism should be accelerated whereby protection and restoration of the ecological environment shall be reasonably rewarded, while those responsible for the ecological environment destruction shall pay their due price.




Guided by our philosophy that clean waters and green mountains are just as valuable as gold and silver, China has carried out holistic conservation and systematic governance of its mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and deserts. We do everything we can to conserve the ecological system, intensify pollution prevention and control, and improve the living and working environment for our people.





Yangtze River Protection Law


Yangtze River Economic Belt

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