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长征五号B运载火箭 Long March-5B carrier rocket


The China Manned Space Agency said the flight of the carrier rocket Long March-5B successfully verified the overall design and technologies of the new rocket and also marked the beginning of the third stage in China's manned space program, which aims to put a manned space station into orbit.


1992年,党中央作出实施载人航天工程“三步走”发展战略(three-step manned space program):

第一步,发射载人飞船(manned spaceship),建成初步配套的试验性载人飞船工程,开展空间应用实验。2013年神舟5号载人飞船任务顺利完成。

第二步,突破航天员出舱活动技术(extra-vehicular activity)、空间飞行器的交会对接技术(rendezvous and docking),发射空间实验室(space lab),解决有一定规模的、短期有人照料的空间应用问题。

2017年4月20日19时41分,天舟一号货运飞船(cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1)成功发射。此次任务是中国载人航天工程空间实验室阶段(space laboratory stage of China manned space engineering)的收官之战,标志着中国载人航天工程胜利完成“三步走”战略中的“第二步”任务,为空间站建设任务奠定坚实技术基础。

第三步,建造空间站,解决有较大规模的、长期有人照料的空间应用问题(operate a permanent manned space station)。


After the maiden flight of the Long March-5B, the core module of the space station, named Tianhe, and two experiment capsules, named Wentian and Mengtian, will be sent into space.

During the construction of the space station, China plans to launch four Shenzhou manned spaceships and four Tianzhou cargo spacecraft to transport astronauts and supplement materials

The assembly of the station's core module has been completed, and the two experiment capsules and the scientific payloads are under development.

The crewmembers to participate in the construction of the space station have been selected and are trained for the missions. China's third batch of reserve astronauts will be selected around July.

珠峰高程测量 measure the height of Mount Qomolangma


A team of over 30 Chinese surveyors Wednesday left a base camp at Mount Qomolangma for a higher spot on their journey to the peak, as they endeavour to accomplish a mission to remeasure the height of the world's highest mountain.

The team, consisting of professional climbers and surveyors from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), will seize the current weather window and attempt for the summit at the optimal time.

珠峰高程测量(measure the height of Mount Qomolangma)的核心是精确测定珠峰高度,这同时也是一项代表国家测绘科技发展水平的综合性测绘工程。

此次珠峰高程测量的成果可用于地球动力学板块运动(geodynamics)等领域研究。精确的峰顶雪深、气象和风速等数据(accurate data on snow depth, meteorology and wind speed at the summit ),将为冰川监测(glacier monitoring)、生态环境保护(environmental protection)等方面的研究提供第一手资料。


一是依托北斗卫星导航系统(the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System),开展测量工作;

二是国产测绘仪器装备(homegrown surveying equipment)全面担纲本次测量任务;

三是应用航空重力技术(airborne gravimeter),提升测量精度;

四是利用实景三维技术(3D Interactive Virtual Reality),直观展示珠峰自然资源状况;

五是测绘队员登顶观测(take the measurement at the peak of the mountain),获取可靠测量数据。

Members of a Chinese surveying team reached Mt. Qomolangma summit at 11 am Wednesday.
5月27日上午11时整, 2020珠峰高程测量登山队成功登上珠穆朗玛峰峰顶。

500米以上建筑 buildings taller than 500 meters


No buildings taller than 500 meters will be allowed unless their plans are approved by the two central government bodies following strict examinations, said the document.

Provincial housing and urban-rural development departments are authorized to approve construction of buildings over 250 meters in height, though plans for such buildings need to be registered at the ministry.

Management will be intensified for construction of big public facilities, including stadiums, museums, exhibition halls and theaters, to prevent imitation in architecture designs.

同时,各地应加强自然生态、历史人文、景观敏感等重点地段城市与建筑风貌管理,健全法规制度,加强历史文化遗存(historical and cultural remains)、景观风貌保护,严格管控新建建筑,不拆除历史建筑(historical architecture)、不拆传统民居(traditional dwellings)、不破坏地形地貌、不砍老树。

免戴口罩政策 mask-free policy


Primary and secondary school students no longer need to wear masks on campuses in areas with a low risk of COVID-19, according to the protocols.

Teachers of such schools are also allowed to go mask-free when giving class, while it is not recommended for infants and kids to wear masks in nurseries and kindergartens.

Janitors, sanitation workers and canteen workers are required to wear masks.


Schools, where conditions allow, should ensure that students are seated at least one meter apart from each other.

The protocols advised that large classes be divided up into smaller ones, or that students of large classes go to school at staggered hours.

Dormitories of boarding schools should not be located in the basement, the protocols read, adding that there should be no more than six students allocated to each dorm room.


Staff and students should report their health conditions and whereabouts in the last 14 days to the school before returning to campus. Also, schools are required to urge people with symptoms, including fever, fatigue, dry cough or diarrhea, to seek medical help.

户外120分钟 two-hour outdoor activities

As schools nationwide have gradually reopened following the stabilization of the domestic novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the National Health Commission has urged schools to ensure sufficient outdoor activities for students.


Schools should guarantee at least two hours of outdoor activities a day for pupils. For students who have been diagnosed as nearsighted, the outdoor hours can be extended.

It is important to urge children to go outside during recess while making sure that sports activities are rolled out at staggered hours.


近视的医学专业术语是myopia,但是日常生活中人们通常用nearsightedness / shortsightedness来表示,比如:Tom is nearsighted/shortsighted because he used to play games in darkness whole night long.(汤姆近视是因为他过去经常晚上在黑暗中玩一整晚游戏。)

其他相关的表达还有:远视(hyperopia farsightedness/ longsightedness)、散光(astigmatism )、隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、无框眼镜(rimless glasses)、眼科医生(eye doctor/ophthalmologist )等。


When organizing mass eyesight screening programs on campus, Wang said outdoor spaces or spacious, well-ventilated facilities are preferred. It is also important to disinfect testing equipment regularly, wear face masks and maintain social distancing during checks.

此外,对于防蓝光设备可预防近视的社会关注,北京同仁医院副院长、眼科主任魏文斌指出,蓝光分为长波蓝光和短波蓝光,只有短波蓝光(shortwave blue light)才会影响眼睛健康,但这需要长时间、高强度、不间断照射(long-time, intensive and continuous exposure),质检合格的电子产品已经过滤有害的短波蓝光,所以在日常生活中,使用正规厂家生产的电子产品,没有必要加装防蓝光设备。

解封 easing of lockdown

The World Health Organization said on Monday that a slow, steady easing of lockdown measures will be key in stimulating economies while keeping a vigilant eye on the novel coronavirus.The organization had received reports of more than 4 million cases of COVID-19 across the world by Monday.


Vigilant指“警惕的,警觉的”意思。比如:He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.(他警告公众要提高警惕,遇到任何可疑情况都要报告。)常用的搭配有:stay vigilant、keep a vigilant eye on something等。

世卫组织总干事谭德赛(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)表示:

Many countries have used the lockdown time to ramp up their ability to test, trace, isolate, and care for patients, which is the best way to track the virus, slow the spread, and take pressure off the health systems.

The good news is that there has been a great deal of success in slowing the virus and ultimately saving lives. Strong lockdown measures have come at a cost, with serious social and economic impact and a detrimental effect on many people's lives.

To protect lives and livelihoods, a slow, steady lifting of lockdowns is key to both stimulating economies, while also keeping a vigilant eye on the virus, so that control measures can be quickly implemented if an upswing in cases is identified.


Whether the epidemic is under control,

Whether their healthcare system is able to cope with a resurgence of cases that may arise after relaxing certain measures,

Whether their public health surveillance system is able to detect and manage cases and their contacts, and identify a resurgence of cases.


Having a clear understanding about current COVID-19 transmission and severity of the virus in children,

Considering the epidemiology of COVID-19 where the school is geographically located,

Having the ability to maintain COVID-19 prevention and control measures within the school setting.

复课 class resumption


More than 100 million students have resumed classes in Chinese schools as of Monday, accounting for 39 percent of all the students nationwide, from kindergartens to universities, the Ministry of Education said.

In most of China's provincial-level regions, universities, secondary vocational schools, middle schools and primary schools are resuming classes, according to the ministry.


随着新冠肺炎国内疫情缓解,各地都开始进入复工复产复学阶段,而resume这个词恰恰就表示“(中断后)重新开始,继续;恢复(席位,地位或职位)”等意思,其名词形式为resumption比如:resume production/production resumption(复产)、resume class/class resumption(复课)、resume normal life/resumption of normal life(恢复正常生活)等。当然了,做过英文简历的同学大概都知道resume这个词作为名词的时候还表示“个人简历”,这一层意思来自于法语词résumé(简要总结)。

教育部应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组办公室主任、 体育卫生与艺术教育司司长王登峰介绍,

Strict epidemic control measures will stay following class resumption in schools, our goal is to facilitate students' return to schools to the utmost while epidemic control rules are well implemented.


We will classify every single person accurately-for example, those who have returned from overseas, people released from hospitals, asymptomatic cases and those from areas with high risks of infection-to make sure that everyone entering the campuses is healthy.

We now have very specific regulations over social distancing among students and teachers and are endeavoring to set up a mechanism to supervise their health conditions and to trace their attendance.

视频连线 video link


Given the need for continued COVID-19 containment, the meeting called for adopting new ways for taking in views and suggestions of national legislators and political advisors, including via video-link, phone calls and the internet. These views and suggestions would help the government to learn more about the situation on the ground, especially the hopes of market players and the general public.


Officials of government departments concerned will attend through video link the break-out sessions of NPC deputies to deliberate on the government work report. The departments are required to study carefully and provide feedback to the views and suggestions within their respective purview.

The meeting directed each government department to set up a special task force headed by its leading official and a hot-line for national legislators and political advisors operated by designated staff members. Content of these calls should be duly taken down and the subject matters addressed and responded to before the two sessions close.

The State Council General Office is required to comb through the minutes of the meetings of national legislators and political advisors and carefully study all the views and suggestions concerning the government work. Where actions are called for, the General Office should swiftly bring the relevant issues to the attention of the competent departments, and see to it that replies are made.

高校毕业生直招士官 recruiting university graduates for non-commissioned officer roles


China's military is recruiting university graduates for non-commissioned officer roles for the first time, according to the recruiting office of the Ministry of National Defense. Online applications will open at the agency's official website www.gfbzb.gov.cn on Friday for those who wish to be enlisted into the armed forces.

据了解,士官招收专业涉及计算机、道路运输(road transport)、自动化(automation)、通信(communications)、机电设备(electromechanical equipment)、机械设计制造(mechanical design and manufacturing)、医学技术(medical technology)、语言(language studies)等专业。招收对象为普通高校毕业生(college graduates),所学专业符合今年部队提报的岗位需求,优先招收高校应届毕业生(fresh college graduates)。


The non-commissioned officers will be recruited simultaneously with the recruitment of compulsory service personnel this year. This will be running from Aug 1 to Sept 30.


我军现役士兵按兵役性质分为义务兵役制士兵和志愿兵役制士兵。义务兵役制士兵称为义务兵(compulsory serviceman),志愿兵役制士兵称为士官(non-commissioned officer)。士官属于士兵军衔序列,但不同于义务兵役制士兵,是士兵中的骨干。义务兵实行供给制,发给津贴(allowance),士官实行工资制(pay plans)和定期增资制度(regular pay rise)。目前部队面向高校毕业生既招收士官,也招收义务兵,这是两个不同兵役性质的士兵系列。(来源:全国征兵网)

心形纪念币 heart-shaped commemorative coins


The set includes six coins: two gold, three silver and one gold-silver bimetallic, all legal tender, the People's Bank of China said on its website.

Chinese characters Jixiang, meaning auspiciousness, dominates the obverse of the coins, while the reverse sides are decorated with traditional patterns such as cranes, lilies and goldfish, all symbols of auspiciousness and fortune.

值得注意的是,6枚纪念币中有心形纪念币(heart-shaped commemorative coins)两枚,3克心形金质纪念币背面图案为新娘、百合、窗棂等组合图案,并刊“百年好合”字样及面额;30克心形银质纪念币背面图案为百合与同心锁等组合图案,并刊“百年好合”字样及面额。

平均工资 average salary


In non-private sectors, urban employees' inflation-adjusted real growth of the average salary rose by 6.8 percent to 90,501 yuan, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

In private sectors, the annual average salary stood at 53,604 yuan, up 5.2 percent year on year after deducting price factors.

国家统计局人口和就业统计司副司长孟灿文说,2019年,我国经济运行总体平稳、稳中有进(achieve stability with steady progress),就业形势保持稳定(stable employment situation),全国城镇单位就业人员平均工资稳步增长。


在非私营单位中,共有6个行业年平均收入超过10万元,包括信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业(information transmission, software and information technology service),金融业(finance),科学研究和技术服务业(scientific research and technology service),卫生和社会工作(health and social work),电力、热力、燃气及水生产供应业(power, heat, gas and water supply),文化、体育和娱乐业(culture, sport and recreation sector)。


Employees engaging in scientific research, higher education and information sectors saw steady rises in their average wage, while workers related to public services and consumption upgrade witnessed faster salary raises.

量化指标 quantitative targets


国内生产总值 GDP

The 2019 government work report set a target of 6 to 6.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) growth from the previous year.

Last year, China's GDP reached 99.09 trillion yuan (about 13.98 trillion U.S. dollars), up 6.1 percent from the previous year, in line with the annual target.

就业 employment

The report aimed to create more than 11 million urban jobs in 2019 and keep the registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5 percent.

Both targets were met, as about 13.52 million urban jobs were created last year and the registered urban unemployment rate stood at 3.62 percent.

减税降费 tax cut and fee reduction

The report proposed axing businesses' burden in taxes and social security payment by nearly 2 trillion yuan in 2019. It also aimed to bring the tax rate down to 13 percent from 16 percent in sectors such as manufacturing.

Last year's tax cut and fee reduction exceeded 2.3 trillion yuan, and the 16-percent tax rate in industries such as manufacturing went down to 13 percent.

民生 people's livelihood

The report aimed to lift more than 10 million rural people out of poverty, build and renovate 200,000 kilometers of rural roads, and cut the average charge for mobile network traffic by more than 20 percent.

In 2019, China lifted 11.09 million rural people out of poverty, built and renovated 290,000 kilometers of rural roads, and cut the average charge for mobile network traffic by 41 percent from the previous year.

环保 environmental protection

The report set targets that emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will drop by 3 percent, while chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions will shrink by 2 percent in 2019.

It turned out that the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides went down by 4.4 percent and 3.5 percent respectively, while chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions shrank by 3.2 percent and 3.3 percent respectively last year from the previous year.

38项指标任务还包括中央财政一般性支出(the general expenditure of the central government)压减5%以上、“三公”经费( spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality)再压减3%左右等,这些任务均已完成。

行李全流程跟踪 whole-journey luggage tracking


China has started a pilot project for whole-journey luggage tracking systems at six major airports, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). These airports include Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing Daxing International Airport, and Shanghai Hongqiao, Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Bao'an and Chongqing Jiangbei airports.


在机场提取行李的时候,我们经常会看到baggage claim或者luggage claim这样的标识牌,由此可见这两个词在表示“行李”的时候是可以互相替换使用的,只不过baggage这个词在美式英语中更加常用。此外,baggage这个词还可以用来表示无形的“精神包袱”,比如,emotional baggage(情绪负担)、personal baggage(个人负担)等,而luggage则没有这一层意思。

目前,旅客可以通过上述试点机场官方APP、微信小程序、航显屏和自助查询机等多种途径,对进出港行李进行全程追踪(whole-journey tracking)。旅客只要通过输入行李牌号码、身份证号或扫描行李条码等方式,便可查询到托运(check-in)、安检(security check)、分拣(sorting)、装车运输(truck loading)、装机(aircraft loading)、到达(luggage arrival)等多个行李节点,实时掌握行李轨迹(realtime tracking)。


According to a three-step plan, by the end of 2021, the CAAC will push forward the application of whole-journey luggage tracking on all domestic air routes in mega airports with an annual passenger throughput of at least 10 million. By the end of 2025, the service will be applied on all domestic air routes, and extend to some international routes, according to the plan.

As of mid-May, three air routes and six major airports across the country were capable of providing services for passengers to track luggage during their whole journey, said the CAAC.

关于建立健全香港特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制的决定(草案) a draft decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security


According to an agenda unveiled Thursday, a bill on reviewing a draft decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security will be submitted for deliberation to the third session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), which will open on Friday.


National security is the bedrock underpinning the stability of the country.

Safeguarding national security serves the fundamental interests of all Chinese including Hong Kong compatriots.

The fourth plenary session of the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee clearly required a legal framework and enforcement mechanisms to be established for safeguarding national security in the HKSAR.

The HKSAR is an inseparable part of the People's Republic of China, and the NPC is the highest organ of state power.In light of the new circumstances and need, the NPC is exercising the power enshrined in the Constitution to establish and improve at the state level the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard national security, and to uphold and improve the institutional framework of "one country, two systems".

政府工作报告 government work report


streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services

resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership

the three critical battles against major risks, poverty, and pollution

the practice of formalities for formalities' sake, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance

consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment

confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics

ensure stability in employment, financial operations, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations

ensure security in job, basic living needs, operations of market entities, food and energy security, stable industrial and supply chains, and the normal functioning of primary-level governments

new infrastructure, new urbanization initiatives and major projects

公共卫生领域立法 legislation on public health


China's top legislature said it will prioritize legislation on public health this year.

In its annual work report, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) said it plans to revise the Wildlife Protection Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law, and the Emergency Response Law in 2020.


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, the NPC Standing Committee has acted promptly and performed its lawful duty while rigorously implementing the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee. We issued the decision to completely ban the illegal trade and consumption of wildlife, thereby protecting against public health risks and promoting the betterment of society. In line with the requirement to modernize China’s governance system and capacity for governance, and in light of new issues and circumstances in the public health field, the Standing Committee arranged for the enactment and revision of laws to strengthen the system of legal guarantees for public health in order to build a stronger line of defense for the health and safety of the people through the rule of law. We responded to public concerns, actively reached out to the public to clarify epidemic prevention and control laws, and provided legal support for anti-epidemic efforts and economic and social development.


China currently has over 30 laws on public health, which have generally withstood the test of the COVID-19 epidemic and played a positive role. There are still some weak links and shortcomings in the legal framework, and the NPC Standing Committee will further strengthen China's public health legislation.

The formulation or amendment of 17 laws is expected to be finished within the year, and 13 others will be updated in due course.

外国国家豁免法 foreign states immunities law

全国人大代表、北京市社会科学院法学所研究员马一德在接受记者采访时表示,建议尽快制定符合我国国情的外国国家豁免法(foreign states immunities law)。

Formulating a foreign states immunities law will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens as well as foreign investors, said Ma Yide, a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and a law researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences. It will also counteract malicious litigations raised in countries like the United States towards China over the COVID-19 response, Ma told reporters.


国家主权豁免(state sovereign immunity)是指国家根据国家主权和国家平等原则不接受他国管辖的特权。国家主权豁免是国家平等的必然结果。

一般认为,国家及其财产豁免权(state sovereign and property immunity)的内容包括以下三个方面:

1、司法管辖豁免(immunity from jurisdiction):即未经一国同意,他国法院不得受理以该外国国家为被告或者以该外国国家财产为诉讼标的的案件。

2、诉讼程序豁免(immunity from litigation):即未经一国同意,即使放弃管辖豁免,外国法院也不得对该国财产采取诉讼保全措施,不得强制出庭作证以及实施其他诉讼程序上的强制措施。

3、强制执行豁免(immunity from forcible execution):一国同意在他国法院中作为被告或主动作为原告参加民事诉讼,在未经该国同意时,他国法院不得根据本国判决对该国财产实行强制执行。


绝对豁免(absolute immunity)主张不论一国行为及其财产的性质如何,也不论该国的财产位于何地、为谁所控制,该国及其财产在其他国家法院都享有豁免权,除非该国本身自愿放弃这种豁免权;否则,任何其他国家的法院都无权受理以该国为被告或以该国财产为诉讼标的的民事案件。

限制豁免(limited immunity)则将国家行为分为公法行为(也称主权行为、统治权行为) 和私法行为(也称非主权行为、事务权行为、商业行为) ,并且只对外国国家的公法行为及用于该类行为的国家财产予以管辖豁免,对其商业行为及用于该类行为的财产则行使管辖权。


The lack of such a law has emerged as a prominent issue in the current epidemic as some countries, led by the United States, tried to shift the blame for their own governments' incompetence on COVID-19 response.

Some groups and individuals in some countries even cited the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of the United States to bring litigations to the Chinese government and relevant departments.

"This has trampled on the internationally recognized principle of sovereign immunity, and is also a show of hegemony and power politics," Ma said, stressing the necessity and urgency for China to formulate a foreign states immunities law.

China follows the principle of absolute immunity of foreign states and their property, thus Chinese litigants are unable to sue foreign governments from domestic courts, while Chinese governments have often been sued in foreign courts, he added.


From a long-term perspective, adopting a limited immunities principle will show a responsible manner of the Chinese government to foreign investors, ensure stable expectations for the protection of their investments, and facilitate China's new round of opening-up and the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, he said.


绿色通道 green channel


The country's top civil aviation authority said it has set up a "green channel" to streamline the approval procedure for chartered international passenger flights that are out of work-resumption purposes.

通知表示,中外航空公司的国际客运包机(chartered international passenger flights)应取得不定期飞行航班许可(license to operate a non-scheduled international service),暂不需时刻协调。各航空公司在申请不定期飞行航班许可的同时,即可向运行监控中心提交相关预先飞行计划(pre-flight plan)申请。运行监控中心根据不定期飞行航班许可内容,尽快受理并发布预先飞行计划。

对于不定期飞行航班许可申请,申请时限由原来的提前7个工作日调整为提前3个工作日,系统受理时间7×24小时(the application system is accessible 24/7)。


客运方面,民航局早在今年2月即开设了复工复产绿色通道。货运方面,今年4月3日,民航局下发了《关于疫情防控期间国际航空货运建立审批“绿色通道”的通知》,对国际货运航班(international cargo flights)计划管理工作程序进行临时性调整,建立“绿色通道”,进一步优化工作流程(optimize procedure)、缩短办理时间,促进国际货运航班计划审批顺畅高效。


China has recently opened a "fast-track lane" with several countries for essential personnel on urgent visits in the areas of commerce, logistics, production and technological services.

民法典 the Civil Code


In addition to general and supplementary provisions, the Civil Code includes six parts on real rights, contracts, personality rights, marriage and family, inheritance, and tort liabilities.

The personal rights, property rights and other lawful rights and interests of the parties to civil legal relations shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon by any organization or individual, reads the Civil Code in its opening chapter.


The part on personality rights includes provisions on a civil subject's rights to life, body, health, name, portrait, reputation and privacy, among others.

The part features stipulations on regulating studies related to human genes or embryos, strengthening privacy protection, banning sexual harassment, and other prominent issues of public concern.


Data and online virtual assets are also legally protected, according to the Civil Code.

Personal information includs an individual's name, birthdate, identity card number, fingerprints, home address and phone number, as well as email addresses and location data.


For example, if the guardian of a child is unable to perform his or her duties due to emergencies like being put under medical isolation, primary-level Party committees or civil affairs authorities must take over the guardianship, according to the code.

Lawmakers say drafting the code is not about formulating a new civil law but rather systematically incorporating existing civil laws and regulations, modifying and improving them to adapt to new situations while maintaining their consistency.

The Civil Code will take effect on Jan 1, 2021.

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