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发表时间:2016/10/28 00:00:00  浏览次数:2027  
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The age of Chinese students who study abroad has lowered rapidly, with the number of Chinese students seeking college degrees exceeding the number of students looking for graduate schools in the US for the first time.


教育在线_China Daily

A report conducted by Education Online, a Chinese national education portal site, on Saturday said the number of Chinese students studying in US colleges has been rapidly increasing, and are now at 124,552, comparing to 120,331 graduate school students.


出国留学_China Daily

The number of Chinese students who study abroad continue to rise, with 523,700 going abroad as of 2015, the same year that had the highest student increase, which was 63,900. However, the report predicts that the growth rate will climb slower, considering the enlarging “base number.”


中学生出国留学_China Daily

Moreover, the report says that more students are looking for education in high schools, and even elementary schools. Students who studied in the US from 7th to 12th grade in the 2012-13 academic year rose to 26,919 from 433 in 2003-04. Numbers for the UK and New Zealand was 5,683 and 5,602 in the 2014-15 academic year, for 1st to 12th graders, and 5,370 for Australia for 7th to 12th graders.


With the increasing trend of Chinese students going abroad, many have returned and are not satisfied about the salary they are earning. The report says that 80 percent of students coming home have returned from the over four million students that have studied abroad from 1978 to 2015.


About 50 percent of returned students with Master’s degrees, and 67 percent with PH.D’s, were receiving a monthly salary below 5,000 yuan in 2014, which increased from 2013’s 50 percent and 67 percent.


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