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发表时间:2019/07/25 00:00:00  浏览次数:2431  
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Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital

Diagnostic Report on Pathologic Tissues (or Humor)

Date when the sample was received:    Report No: Surgical xxxx-xx

Name of patient: xxx

          Pathologic Findings & Diagnosis   

Diagnostic conclusion (for the 1st time): chronic cystitis

Double-checked the pathologic section of xxxx-xx and found that the wall of the small vessel on the bladder membrana propria thickens, indicating that vasculitis has changed. Inflammatory infiltration of the interstitial tissue is obvious; there are many oxyphil cells.  Based on the above changes, I assume that the symptom is resulted from the reaction of illness on connective tissue.    

Doctor: xxx

                        Date: August xx, xxxx

Sex: x        Age: x


Name of department or ward:

Out-patient Department

Hospital bed No.

Outpatient or hospitalization No.:

Tissue sent for examination:

Doctor proposing the examination:

Date when the sample was tested:

(To be filled by the person sending the sample)

Doctor: xxxx      Report date: July xx, xxxx



Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital

Diagnostic Report on Pathologic Tissues (or Humor)

Date when the sample was received:    Report No: Surgical xxxx-xx

Name of patient: xxx

          Pathologic Findings & Diagnosis   


Diagnostic conclusion: polypous cystitis on the wall of bladder.


(There is sub inflammatory reaction close to the intramural area, some lymphocytic infiltration and dropsy; there is no fibroplasias, no obvious intramural inflammation, so the evidence for diagnostic conclusion of interstitial cystitis is not sufficient.)

Sex: x        Age: x

HospitalThe present hospital

Name of department or ward:

Urinary Surgical Department

Hospital bed No.

Outpatient or hospitalization No.:

Tissue sent for examination:

Doctor proposing the examination:

Date when the sample was tested:

(To be filled by the person sending the sample)

Doctor: xxx      Report date: June xx, xxxx

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