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2015/6/23 15:31:25

角  色:超级版主
发 帖 数:119

Invitation Letter

Dec 30 2005

Visa Section

US General Consulate

Beijing, P.R.China

Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Zhang ***(Passport No: G00132117), my daughter and I came to USA to accompany my husband Shi Guohua in July 2002 with H-4 Visa. My husband Shi Guohua came to work in USA employed by Mariso USA Inc since January 2002. and his employee agreement with Mariso USA is for the period from Jan 2002 to Jan 2008. in addition he filed the income at US$82,680.00 in year 2004

We have lived in USA for more than 3 years so my father Zhang Guangrong (Passport No: G15284411) and my mother Zhang Xiufang (Passport No: G15284412) miss us very much and we miss them in the same way. So I wrote this letter to invite them to USA.

We wish to invite them to visit us and stay with us for 3 months, celebrate Spring Festival and see other attractions in the USA. And after that period they will go back to China to visit my brother and other relatives. Recently we live in a single house with four bedrooms, which will be more than sufficient for my parents in law and us to live in. We will furnish a room and board to them, plus US$4,000.00 extra during their stay with us in USA.

I hope they can come to join us as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of my request.

Best regards


2022/9/27 19:52:54

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