Problem with German language pack
发起人:greglazor  回复数:0  浏览数:10428  最后更新:2018/5/23 20:42:30 by greglazor

发表新帖  帖子排序:
2018/5/23 20:42:42

角  色:普通会员
发 帖 数:9
Problem with German language pack

In a fresh and multilingual Joomla installation with English and German translation  languages I installed K2 2.7.1 and it works without any problems, with English as Front- and Backend language.I then installed the German language pack 2.5 for K2 but noticed, that the language of K2 does not switch, neither in the backend nor in the front-end. It stays in English although the rest of Joomla (and its template from arrowthemes) switches language properly.The funny thing is, that the German language pack seems to create a folder "de" in the language folder on the same level as the other 2 language folders de-DE and en-GB that contains the German langage files that all start with de.*. So these language files are not installed in the de-DE folder, where the rest of all language files reside.Interesting is, that I have a second installation with the same Joomla template and same versions of K2 and language file, where K2 was installed as part of the initial installation (so not manually after installing Joomla and this template) and in this installation, there is no folder "de", but instead all K2 language files reside in the de-DE folder. Any idea how I can make the languages switch in the new installation as they do in the other installation? (I tried to rename of de.* files into de-DE.* and copy them from the "de" folder into the "de-DE" folder but that did not work, so took no effect.

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.



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Thank you.

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