Arabic | English RTL | LTR issue
发起人:greglazor  回复数:0  浏览数:10160  最后更新:2018/4/24 21:50:38 by greglazor

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greglazor 发表于 2018/4/24 21:50:50
Arabic | English RTL | LTR issue

I need help in my problem.

My website built for Arabic and English and every thing is OKAY, except when I select default language Arabic or select English everything take the view direction according to the default language.

I mean when select Arabic as default language all articles, modules and menus direction view from Right-To-Left even the English version

And when select English as default language all articles, modules and menus direction view go to from Left-To-Right even the Arabic version

Note: It was working good before moving from shared to dedicated server

For more clear to someone how concern to check my website url is: aoi.org.eg

Thank You all for your Continue support and help.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.



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