营养失调:高于机体需要量 | Altered Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements |
营养失调:低于机体需要量 | Altered Nutrition: less Than Body Requirements |
营养失调:潜在高于机体需要量 | Altered Nutrition: Potential for More Than Body Requirements |
有感染的危险 | Risk for Infection |
有体温改变的危险 | Risk for Altered Body Temperature |
体温过低 | Hypothermia |
体温过高 | Hyperthermia |
体温调节无效 | Ineffective Thermoregulation |
便秘 | Constipation |
感知性便秘 | Perceived Constipation |
结肠性便秘 | Colonic Constipation |
腹泻 | Diarrhea |
大便失禁 | Encopresis |
排尿异常 | Altered Urinary Elimination |
压迫性尿失禁 | Sires Incontinence |
反射性尿失禁 | Reflex Incontinence |
急迫性尿失禁 | Urge Incontinence |
功能性尿失禁 | Functional Incontinence |
完全性尿失禁 | Total Incontinence |
尿储留 | Urinary Retention |
组织灌注量改变 | Altered Tissue Perfusion |
体液过多 | Fluid Volume Excess |
体液不足 | Fluid Volume Deficit |
体液不足的危险 | Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit |
清理呼吸道无效 | Ineffective Airway Clearance |
低效性呼吸型态 | Ineffective Breathing Pattern |
不能维持自主呼吸 | Inability to Sustain Spontaneous Ventilation |
呼吸机依赖 | Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response,DVWR |
有受伤的危险 | Risk for Injury |
有窒息的危险 | Risk for Suffocation |
有外伤的危险 | Risk for Trauma |
有误吸的危险 | Risk for Aspiration |
自我防护能力改变 | Altered Protection |
组织完整性受损 | Impaired Tissue Integrity |
皮肤完整性受损 | Impaired Skin Integrity |
有皮肤完整性受损的危险 | Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity |
精力困扰 | Energy Field disturbance |
沟通 | Communicating |
语言沟通障碍 | impaired Verbal Communication |
关系 | Relating |
社会障碍 | Impaired Social Interaction |
社交孤立 | Social Isolation |
有孤立的危险 | Risk for Loneliness |
角色紊乱 | Altered Role Performance |
父母不称职 | Altered Parenting |
有父母不称职的危险 | Risk for Altered Parenting |
有父母亲子依恋改变的危险 | Risk for Altered Parent/Infant/Child |
性功能障碍 | Sexual Dysfunction |
家庭作用改变 | Altered Family Process |
有照顾者角色障碍的危险 | Risk for Caregiver Role Strain |
家庭作用改变:酗酒 | Altered Family Process: Alcoholism |
父母角色冲突 | Parental Role Conflict |
性生活型态改变 | Altered Sexuality Patterns |
赋予价值 | Valuing |
精神困扰 | Spiritual Distress |
选择 | Choosing |
个人应对无效 | Ineffective Individual Coping |
调节障碍 | Impaired Adjustment |
防卫性应对 | Defensive Coping |
防卫性否认 | Ineffective Denial |
家庭应对无效:失去能力 | Ineffective Family Coping: Disabling |
家庭应对无效:妥协性 | Ineffective Family Coping: Compromised |
家庭应对:潜能性 | Family Coping: Potential for Growth |
社区应对:潜能性 | Potential for Enhanced Community Coping |
社区应对无效 | Ineffective Community Coping |
遵守治疗方案无效 | Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen |
不合作 | Noncompliance |
遵守治疗方案无效 | Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen |
遵守治疗方案无效 | Ineffective Management of Therapeutic Regimen |
遵守治疗方案有效 | Effective Management of Therapeutic Regimen |
抉择冲突 | Decisional Conflict |
寻求健康行为 | Health Seeking Behaviors |
活动 | Moving |
躯体移动障碍 | Impaired Physical Mobility |
有周围血管神经功能障碍的危险 | Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction |
活动无耐力 | Activity Intolerance |
疲乏 | Fatigue |
有活动无耐力的危险 | Risk for Activity Intolerance |
睡眠状态紊乱 | Sleep Pattern Disturbance |
持家能力障碍 | Impaired Home Maintenance Management |
保持健康的能力改变 | Altered Health Maintenance |
进食自理缺陷 | Feeding Self Care Deficit |
吞咽障碍 | Impaired Swallowing |
母乳喂养无效 | Ineffective Breast Feeding |
母乳喂养有效 | Effective Breast feeding |
婴儿吸吮方式无效 | Ineffective Infant Feeding Pattern |
沐浴/卫生自理缺陷 | Bathing/Hygiene Self Care Deficit |
穿戴/修饰自理障碍 | Dressing/Grooming Self Care Deficit |
入厕自理缺陷 | Toileting Self Care Deficit |
生长发育改变 | Altered Growth and Development |
环境改变应激综合征 | Relocation Stress Syndrome |
有婴幼儿行为紊乱的危险 | Risk for Disorganized Infant Behavior |
婴幼儿行为紊乱 | Disorganized Infant Behavior |
感知 | Perceiving |
自我形象紊乱 | Body Image Disturbance |
自尊紊乱 | Self-esteem disturbance |
长期自我贬低 | Chronic Low Self Esteem |
情境性自我贬低 | Situational Low Self Esteem |
自我认同紊乱 | Personal Identity disturbance |
单侧感觉丧失 | Unilateral Neglect |
绝望 | Hopelessness |
无能为力 | Powerlessness |
认知 | Knowing |
特定的知识缺乏 | Specify Knowledge Deficit |
定向力障碍 | Impaired Environmental Interpretation |
突发性意识模糊 | Acute Confusion |
渐进性意识模糊 | Chronic Confusion |
思维过程改变 | Altered Thought Processes |
记忆力障碍 | Impaired Memory |
感觉 | Feeling |
疼痛 | Pain |
慢性疼痛 | Chronic Pain |
有自伤的危险 | Risk for Self-Mutilation |
创伤后反应 | Post-Trauma Response |
强奸创伤综合征 | Rape-Trauma Syndrome |
强奸创伤综合征:复合性反应 | Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Compound Reaction |
强奸创伤综合征:沉默性反应 | Rape-Trauma Syndrome: Silent |
焦虑 | Anxiety |
恐惧 | Fear |