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发表时间:2018/01/06 00:00:00  浏览次数:2549  
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Beijing opera 京剧
Composing with Computers 利用计算机作曲
Costume Design for the Theater 戏剧服装设计
Dance Theory and Composition 舞蹈理论与作曲
Design For the Theater – Scenery 戏剧布景设计
Developing Musical Structures 开发音乐结构
Encore! 再来一次
Hip Hop 嘻哈文化
Introduction to Anglo-American Folkmusic 英美民间音乐导论
Introduction to Stagecraft 舞台设备入门
Lighting Design for the Theatre 戏剧的照明设计
Technical Design: Scenery 技术设计:布景、机制与特技
The curtain falls. 幕落
The curtain rises. 幕启
Theater Arts Topics 戏剧艺术主题
Theater and Cultural Diversity in the U.S. 美国的多元文化与戏剧
Traditions in American Concert Dance: Gender and Autobiography 美国音乐舞剧传统:性别与传记文学

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