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发表时间:2019/10/30 00:00:00  浏览次数:2443  
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"advancement, payment on account" 垫付"

fair, meeting" 洽谈会

"off-grade goods, rejects" 等外品

"two-for-one offer, buy one get one free" 买一送一

IPRs (Intellectual property rights) 知识产权

20% off / 20% discount 八折

above target profit 超目标利润

active balance of payments;balance of payments surplus 国际收支顺差

administered price 内定价

amount of subscribed capital 出资额

anti-fake label 防伪标志

anti-smuggling 缉私

anti-subsidy duty 反补贴税

articles of daily use 日用百货

articles of handicraft art 工艺品

articles to be declared 应申报物品

articles under customs seal 海关加封物品

assistance in kind 实物援助

at fair price / reasonable price 价格公道

attract foreign capital 吸引外资

attract foreign investment 对外招商

attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas) 招商引资

authentication 身份认证

authority of agency;power of agency;proxy 代理权

automated clearing houses 自动交换中心

automated teller machine (ATM) 自动取款机

award of contract 定标

backing support 担保储备

balance of international payments/ balance of payment 国际收支

balance of payments account 国际收支账户

balance of trade 贸易差额

Administrative sanction 行政处罚

advance notification of payment 支付前通知

advance shipment notice 装运前通知

adverse balance 逆差

adverse balance of trade. trade deficit. trade gap 贸易逆差

Adverse inference 反向推断

after-sale service 售后服务

agency;agent;attorney;proxy 代理人

agents commission 代理费

agreement tariff 协定关税

airport construction fee 机场建设费

amount of fund raised 筹资额

bonded area 保税区

bonded warehouse;customs warehouse 保税仓库

border free trade zone 边境自由贸易区

border trade 边境贸易

border trade point 边贸点

brand effect 品牌效应

brandnames 名牌货

breach of contrac 违反合同

break-even analysis 保本分析

bridal market 新婚市场(指买卖兴旺的市场)

bucket shop 投机商号

built-in agenda 既定日程

bull operation 哄抬价格

Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 公告板服务

Burden of proof 举证责任

Business flourishes 生意兴隆

business hours 营业时间

business lobby 营业厅

business registration certificate 工商登记证

business registration 工商登记

buyer’s market 买方市场

buyers market 买方市场

collection of duty 征收关税

collection of duty short-paid 补税

combined operation/ management 合业经营

commerce net 商务网

Commercial presence 商业存在

commercial service 商业服务

commercial speculation 商业炒作

commercialization 商品化

commercialization of public housing 公房商品化

commission agent 代销店

commodities for the home market 内销商品

commodity circulation 商品流通

commodity inspection 商品检验

corporate trade exchange 公司交易汇兑

corporate trade payments 公司交易支付

cost and freight 成本加运费

cost insurance and freight(CIF);freight 到岸价格

cost price 成本价;原价

cost, insurance and freight (CIF) 到岸价格

costs of EDI 电子数据交换成本

countercharge;counterclaim 反诉

counterfeit and shoddy products 假冒伪劣产品

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