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每日一词∣科学技术普及 popularization of science and technology

发表时间:2022/09/09 00:00:00  浏览次数:652  
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China has issued a guideline on facilitating the popularization of science and technology. Released by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, the guideline sets specific targets for the popularization of science and technology. By 2025, public services for science popularization will be significantly expanded, more researchers will play an active role in spreading scientific knowledge, the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy will exceed 15 percent, and a social climate that values science and innovation will be created By 2025, public services for science popularization will be significantly expanded, more researchers will play an active role in spreading scientific knowledge, the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy will exceed 15 percent, and a social climate that values science and innovation will be created, it says.









Talented people are essential to innovation. We must expand the channels to build a large talent pool. We will create a favorable environment for innovation, and form effective training, hiring, incentive and competition mechanisms that can help talent to grow, to stand out and to give of their best, so that talented people will emerge in greater numbers from generation to generation.



Scientific and technological innovation and dissemination of science are the two wings to propel our innovation-driven development. The latter should be considered as important as the former. If the scientific literacy of the whole of society is not raised, we cannot build a large contingent of high-caliber innovative personnel, nor turn their research results into production quickly. You scientists and engineers should take it as your mission to enhance the scientific literacy of the whole nation, and make it your unshirkable duty to spread science, the spirit of science, and scientific thinking and methods. With your efforts, we will see a society emerge where everyone loves, studies and uses science, and this should allow the creativity of the Chinese people to flourish.





world leader in science and technology


commercialization of scientific and research findings


ecosystem for sci-tech innovation

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