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发表时间:2018/08/18 00:00:00  浏览次数:1522  
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译入概述练习是在原语概述练习进行一段时间后将概述原语内容用译人语进行。目的是巩固听说同步并逐渐过渡到真正的同声传译。练习时译员不必过度强调句子结构和具体内容,而是培养用简练的译人语传达原语的中心思想和主要信息点。如: “The protection of the environment is a vital component of continued economic development.Here and in Hong Kong decades of explosive growth have taken a toll on the environment resulting in air and water pollution, destruction of the natural environment, traffic congestion and deforestation. Not only does this discourage further economic investment and encourage industries already here for relocate,but it also makes it increasingly difficult for Guangdong to enter into the next level of economic development.” 可以用译人语 —— 汉语概述为: “ 环境保护是经济持续发展的重要因素。// 过去广东和香港在这方面已有过教训。 // 环保是广东吸引更多投资使经济更上一层楼的保障。//”


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